Jimi: Finally a proper pint! 🍻
4.9% ABV
1,286 Ratings
Alun Primmer is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at Old Lifeboat House
Purchased at Old Lifeboat House
Matthew Hayward is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at Old Lifeboat House
Mick Ingham is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The King's Highway (Wetherspoon)
Purchased at The King's Highway (Wetherspoon)
Immanuel Lawrence is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Purple Dog
Purchased at The Purple Dog
Ben Wicks is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Purple Dog
Purchased at The Purple Dog
Rob B is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Assembly Rooms (Wetherspoon)
Andy H is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Summers Please is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Purchased at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Camden Bells is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Assembly Rooms (Wetherspoon)
spoons obv was required as next location. ales caught our as usual and this xmasy had to be slapped down. spoons is not at its usual. looking like it’s gonna be the entire pubs last new years with average age looking like 85 right now. spoons gone woke
Ali Artois is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Assembly Rooms (Wetherspoon)
the ghost of new years past is reminding me how fun last time was the ghost of new years present is thinking this beer is mid the ghost of new years future is probably throwing up in my toilet what an evening this is set to be
Lloyd Tudor is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Chris G is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Purchased at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Steve Lee is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Purchased at The Station (Wetherspoon)
Liam Kavanagh is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The Assembly Rooms (Wetherspoon)
Pint, good malty bitter
Steven Ball is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at The George Inn (Wetherspoon)
Purchased at The George Inn (Wetherspoon)
Stefan Smedius is drinking a Scrooge's Revenge by Mauldons at Cornfield Garage (Wetherspoon)
Nice bottom bitterness, malty and deep. So nice to be back!
Jimi: Finally a proper pint! 🍻
Stefan Smedius: JimiOh yes.
Sweet brew
Purchased at Old Lifeboat House