6.9% ABV
30 IBU
185 Ratings
Fernando Romero is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company
Karl G is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Not sure which country the coffee came from but so good, like R Shea good, but memory...
Purchased at Kro-Bar (Fairborn)
Karl G is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company
Purchased at Kro-Bar (Fairborn)
Ross Fonticella is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Masthead Brewing Company
Thomas Coatoam is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Hot Tub
Snuck in a hot tub session with Debi C. before the storm. Disappointed. Typ this brewery does much better. The coffee is strong, dark and forward. But it just seems thin and none of the other flavor notes are coming through.
Mr Bearbomb is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
I love that Masthead has done several versions of this. 6.9% abv.
Dan Marcks is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Gathering Place Brewing Company
Glenn P is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Wow, this is some good stuff. The Single Origin Series has always produced some really interesting stuff & this is no exception. It’s gonna always be a Coffee Forward style of stout. Not super sweet, but more bitter & lighter in nature. It’s just great.
Purchased at Masthead Brewing Company
Ross Fonticella is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Masthead Brewing Company
J-Bird is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Peninsula Valley Historic and Education Foundation
Purchased at Masthead Brewing Company
Bill Vargo is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Jasmine Dr Beer Cellar
Purchased at Circle A Food & Beverage
Mitch Frankel is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Grog Shop
David Gibboney is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Eve Stein is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Mellow coffee - not sweet.
Tyler Fish is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Chris Karpowicz is drinking a Single Origin Coffee Stout (Costa Rica) by Masthead Brewing Company
Old RB Rating