Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout label

Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout

Mallaskosken Panimo

Stout - Imperial / Double

Total (?) 41

Unique (?) 41

Monthly (?) 22

You 0

13.5% ABV

35 IBU


37 Ratings

Root: Imperial Rye Stout Barrel: Valamo Luostariviski, ex-Bourbon Aged for: 6 mont Show More
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Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

jere dangerous is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Olutravintola Konttori

Musta, kevyt kupla, ei vaahtoa. Pinnoihin nähden inasen ohut. Turpeinen savuisuus ja bourboni dominoi makua täysin. Kyllähän tämä siis on hyvää ei siinä mitään kun tämmöinen makuprofiili uppoaa. Veikkaan että paranisi viel pullokypsytyksellä.

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Sky's the Limit (Level 86) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 86) badge!
Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Johtaja Kotiniemi is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at 5piste5

Synkkää, hyvin synkkää. Tumman tuhtia tynnyriä ja savua, hyvää puuta. Ja tuntuu vahvuus koko kaaren ajan. Ei loppaista kerralla, vaan nautitaan lämmikkeenä. Rukiisuus tosin turhan ujo. Käy vieraissa jälkimaun lopussa, mutta muuten jää seinäruusuksi.

Bottle Bottle

Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Lari Karvinen is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Olutravintola Konttori

Bottle Bottle

Sky's the Limit (Level 18) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 18) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 21) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 21) badge! Heavy Weight (Level 25) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 25) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 20) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 20) badge!
Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Vilma Seppälä is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Bottle Bottle

Hopped Up (Level 51) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 51) badge! 2X (Level 68) Earned the 2X (Level 68) badge!
Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Mikkohtuus is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Rytmikorjaamo

Savuinen, mutta hyvä....

Draft Draft

Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) badge! Never Finnished! (Level 51) Earned the Never Finnished! (Level 51) badge!
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Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

gybbis is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Rytmikorjaamo

Ompas savuinen. Melkee schenkerlaa. Emt. Hyvää se on. Vähä liia viilee. Cool. Tjsp.

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 49) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 49) badge!
Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Emb Ro is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Rytmikorjaamo

Ei kaiken hypetyksen arvoinen

Heavy Weight (Level 7) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 7) badge! 2X (Level 13) Earned the 2X (Level 13) badge!
Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Mika P is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Lakeuden Panimojuhlat (tack Maku)

Viskiä, turvetta ja savua. Namia!

Bottle Bottle

Heavy Weight (Level 23) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 23) badge!
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Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Jii Korkiamäki is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Kabacka

Stoutiksi suht terävä maku, mutta tykkään. Vieno savu, hieman kitkerä jälkimaku. Vieruskaveri totesi tuoksuksi sähköpalon 🤔

Purchased at Kabacka

Taster Taster

Local Flavor Earned the Local Flavor badge! Sky's the Limit (Level 2) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 2) badge! 2X (Level 2) Earned the 2X (Level 2) badge! Never Finnished! (Level 20) Earned the Never Finnished! (Level 20) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Janne Palo is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Kabacka

Pieni merellinen viskin aromi löytyy. Selkeästi omalaatuisempi kuin Barrel 2 (teerenpelin tynnyri) mutta miedompi kuin Barrel 1 (kyrön tynnyri).

Purchased at Kabacka

Bottle Bottle

Hopped Up (Level 5) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 5) badge! 2X (Level 5) Earned the 2X (Level 5) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Iikka Mäkelä is drinking a Finn Barrel 3 Valamo Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Kabacka

Savua, suklaata, turvetta ja tynnyriä. Mallaskosken Finnbarrel-tasting.

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