Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout label

Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout

Mallaskosken Panimo

Stout - Imperial / Double

Total (?) 32

Unique (?) 32

Monthly (?) 12

You 0

13.5% ABV



27 Ratings

Root: Imperial Rye Stout Barrel: Kyrö Wood Smoke, ex-Bourbon Aged for: 6 months Show More
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Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Valtteri Hakala is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Lakeuden Panimojuhlat (tack Maku)

No joo, ei jää epäselväks, että wood smoke tynnyrissä kypsytetty. Maussa savua ja ruista. Savun ystäville, se nimittäin dominoi. Muuten aavistuksen kitkerä. Lämmetessä paljastuu makeutta ja ehkä jotain marjaista.

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Photogenic Brew (Level 59) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 59) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) badge!

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Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Arska is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Rytmikorjaamo

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 9) Earned the Draft City (Level 9) badge! Heavy Weight (Level 5) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 5) badge! 2X (Level 5) Earned the 2X (Level 5) badge!
Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Jii Korkiamäki is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Kabacka

Loistava tuoksu, yllättävän voimakkaan savuinen, tumma hieman kitkerä maku. Ensipuraisu oli loistava, hieman maku kirpeytyy oluen lämmitessä ja maku tasapaksuuntuu. Suu turtuu nopeasti makuun. Täytyy nollata välistä (vedellä) Herkkua silti 👌

Purchased at Kabacka

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Hopped Up (Level 2) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 2) badge! Taster, Please (Level 10) Earned the Taster, Please (Level 10) badge!
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Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Janne Palo is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Kabacka

Uskomaton ero tämä vs Barrel 2 vaikka sama olut pohjalla. Tässä todella hyvä savu ja tynnyrin aromi.

Purchased at Kabacka

Bottle Bottle

Heavy Weight (Level 12) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 12) badge!
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Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Iikka Mäkelä is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Kabacka

Paahteinen, suklaata, mallasta, savua, tynnyriä. Mallaskoski Finnbarrel-tasting.

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Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Miika Heinonen is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at 5piste5

Bottle Bottle

Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 28) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 28) badge!
Tagged Friends
Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Ville Horkko is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at 5piste5

Tamminen ja viskinen.

Purchased at 5piste5

Bottle Bottle

Heavy Weight (Level 80) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 80) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 30) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 30) badge!

Check-in Photo

Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

yrjö puska is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Taster Taster

Heavy Weight (Level 51) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 51) badge! 2X (Level 54) Earned the 2X (Level 54) badge!
Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Vilma Seppälä is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Sky's the Limit (Level 46) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 46) badge! 2X (Level 67) Earned the 2X (Level 67) badge!
Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo

Petri Sarasvirta is drinking a Finn Barrel 1 Kyrö Barrel Aged Imperial Rye Stout by Mallaskosken Panimo at Olutravintola Konttori

Savutervattu kirjolohi tuoksussa.

Bottle Bottle

Photogenic Brew  (Level 31) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 31) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 93) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 93) badge!

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