Maladzik: Visnia label

Maladzik: Visnia


Wild Ale - Other

Total (?) 359

Unique (?) 354

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

6% ABV



334 Ratings

The Maladzik beer series is dedicated to specialized blends with the participation o Show More
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Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Vadim Metlitskiy is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Чииирз

Вишня не слишком яркая, винный уксус, чуть "дикости", сухо, умеренно кисло. Пивабельно, аромат неплох, но вкус аромату проигрывает, слегка бледновато.

Draft Draft

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Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Anton banderaz is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Arsenal bar

Purchased at Arsenal bar

Taster Taster

Bar Explorer (Level 89) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 89) badge!
Tagged Friends
Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Artem Panush is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Arsenal bar

Как идеальный хомо: кажется, что будет заëбывать, однако нет, не трогает, аккуратно предлагает повестку дня.

Draft Draft

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Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Stas Nik is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

Довольно вкусная кислая вишня получилась

Draft Draft

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Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Sasha Hamchishkin is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Plague Station


Purchased at Plague Station

Draft Draft

Beer Foodie (Level 6) Earned the Beer Foodie (Level 6) badge! Pucker Up (Level 14) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 14) badge!

Check-in Photo

Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Viktar Nikifarau is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

Tag, You're It! Earned the Tag, You're It! badge!
Tagged Friends
Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Roman R is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

кайф, вишенка, таннины, горчинка и легкая кислотность, летом бы как в песок вошло

Draft Draft

You Don't Know Brett! (Level 12) Earned the You Don't Know Brett! (Level 12) badge!

Check-in Photo

Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Little Middle is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

Pucker Up (Level 32) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 32) badge!

Check-in Photo

Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Maksim S is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Arsenal bar

Не вульгарно)

Draft Draft

Tagged Friends

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Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Max Kazakevich is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew (Level 5) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 5) badge!

Check-in Photo

Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Awloelxf Ru is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Beware of the Bison! Earned the Beware of the Bison! badge!
Tagged Friends

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Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Denis Cheberachko is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Untappd at Home

Дико, но не надо накинуть фильтр резкости лёгкий, чтобы оно прям вот попадало во все рецепторы на саксималках

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 54) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 54) badge!

Check-in Photo

Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Pavel Kvasov is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

Норм кисляк, дикий, вишнёвый, несладкий

Draft Draft

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Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

Сергей Иванов is drinking a Maladzik: Visnia by Malanka

С первого глотка лицо завернулось во внутрь, потом вывернулось. Оно улыбалось...

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

To Go Please (Level 4) Earned the To Go Please (Level 4) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 8) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 8) badge! Pucker Up (Level 4) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 4) badge! Beware of the Bison! (Level 3) Earned the Beware of the Bison! (Level 3) badge!

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