Dryhva label



Collaboration with Plague Brew

Porter - Imperial / Double Baltic

Total (?) 23

Unique (?) 23

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

10% ABV



20 Ratings

Smoked Imperial Baltic Porter.
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Global Recent Activity

Dryhva by Malanka

Ольга Кошкина is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Untappd at Home

Говорят, это последняя банка в мире и одна из тех редких, что была не в кег разлита. А еще и вкусно пиздец

Can Can

Sky's the Limit (Level 11) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 11) badge! For the Can (Level 19) Earned the For the Can (Level 19) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Dryhva by Malanka

Andrey Andreev is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Untappd at Home

Спустя пару лет попробовал

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Crowler Crowler

Carl the Crowler (Level 3) Earned the Carl the Crowler (Level 3) badge! To The Port (Level 51) Earned the To The Port (Level 51) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Dryhva by Malanka

Alena Kavalchuk is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Untappd at Home

Представляла себе его по-другому, но тоже прикольно. Вкус дыма и чего-то копчёного. А если смешать снотворное, антибиотики, кофе и пиво, то вообще знаете ли норм.

Purchased at Пробка Taproom

Draft Draft

2X (Level 7) Earned the 2X (Level 7) badge!

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Dryhva by Malanka

Надежда Жабавук is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at PapaCraft BarShop

Лучше закусывать

Purchased at PapaCraft BarShop

Draft Draft

Sky's the Limit (Level 6) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 6) badge! Better Together (Level 3) Earned the Better Together (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Григорий Павлов is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka

Всё в огне как всегда!

Draft Draft

Keg Champion Earned the Keg Champion badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 4) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 4) badge! Beware of the Bison! (Level 6) Earned the Beware of the Bison! (Level 6) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Mr_Links is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

Better Together Earned the Better Together badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 14) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 14) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 7) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 7) badge!

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at станция Клыповщина

У вагоне ўжо цемра, прыйшлося ісці фоткаць у прыбіральню, а портар - выдатны, а пуцін - хуйло

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Can Can

Beerspotting (Level 7) Earned the Beerspotting (Level 7) badge!

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Korzhenevsky Yura is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka

Шикарный копченый портер В аромате мазь Вишневского,шпалы,бинты,йод Во вкусе копченый солод из Бамберга,шоколад горький Очень питкий при таком градусе Цвет темно-коричневый,почти непрозрачный Пена стойкая кремовая

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Eugene R is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Котовое Болото

Хорошо накоптили

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Crowler Crowler

Sky's the Limit (Level 84) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 84) badge! Better Together (Level 39) Earned the Better Together (Level 39) badge!

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Mrs_Links is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

Этот запах паленых покрышек, который тут ещё и вкус, он просто божественный

Draft Draft

Better Together Earned the Better Together badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Aleksey iLyushonok is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

коптили на покрышках! Вещь!

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

Sky's the Limit (Level 43) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 43) badge!

Check-in Photo

Dryhva by Malanka

Alexey is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

2X (Level 18) Earned the 2X (Level 18) badge!
Dryhva by Malanka

john smith is drinking a Dryhva by Malanka at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Malanka Taproom

Draft Draft

To Go Please (Level 92) Earned the To Go Please (Level 92) badge! Better Together (Level 39) Earned the Better Together (Level 39) badge!

Check-in Photo

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