Cherry Storm label

Cherry Storm

Magic Road

Porter - Imperial / Double Baltic

Total (?) 350

Unique (?) 339

Monthly (?) 1

You 0

12% ABV



308 Ratings

28 blg Imperialny Porter Bałtycki leżakowany osiemnaście miesięcy w beczkach po czt Show More
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Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Kateřina is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road


Purchased at Pivní Ordinace

Bottle Bottle

Wheel of Styles (Level 10) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 10) badge!

Check-in Photo

Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Валентин Городецкий is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at BeerGeek Karlin

Думал, что будет томная вишня в шоколаде, а нет! Свежая, немного кислая вишня вначале, немного древесной пряности от ромовой бочки и приятная солодовая сухость в конце

Bottle Bottle

Baltic Porter Day (2025) Earned the Baltic Porter Day (2025) badge! Heavy Weight (Level 3) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 3) badge!
Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Kitt Hoffmann-Harms is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Untappd at Home

Blev ik drukket

Purchased at Hos Rune Bottleshop

Bottle Bottle

Pole Position (Level 11) Earned the Pole Position (Level 11) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Cherry Storm by Magic Road

René Hoffmann-Harms is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Harms Bryghus

Purchased at Hos Rune Bottleshop

Bottle Bottle

To The Port (Level 10) Earned the To The Port (Level 10) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Mariusz is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Bottle Bottle

Pole Position (Level 68) Earned the Pole Position (Level 68) badge!
Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Stanislav M is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Untappd at Home

Довольно кислая вишня в тонком слое шоколада. Не совсем формат, но мне нравится.

Purchased at BeerGeek Pivotéka

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Tomasz L. is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Lotny Festiwal Piwa

Sztos. Czekolada deserowa, Cierpka lekko kwaśna wisnia, nuty palone, chlebowe,wanilia w tle. Niskie wysycenie, gorycz nieduża, alkohol schowany. Pić lekko ocieplone.

Draft Draft

To The Port (Level 3) Earned the To The Port (Level 3) badge!
Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Kamila Czemerys is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Lotny Festiwal Piwa

Draft Draft

Sky's the Limit (Level 5) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 5) badge! Draft City (Level 34) Earned the Draft City (Level 34) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 15) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 15) badge!
Tagged Friends
Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Piotr Kotkowski is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Lotny Festiwal Piwa

Draft Draft

Sky's the Limit (Level 10) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 10) badge! 2X (Level 13) Earned the 2X (Level 13) badge! To The Port Earned the To The Port badge!
Tagged Friends
Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Alex Kostenko is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Untappd at Home

Враження наче витримувалось в бочці з-під якогось вина, ягідна кислинка з відтінками дуба. Слабкий сорт та розачарування.

Purchased at Beerfreak

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Mirosław Sobolewski is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Draft Draft

Heavy Weight (Level 30) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 30) badge!
Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Oleg is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Untappd at Home

Глибокий терпкий запах. Важкий кисло-пряний смак. До зведення щелепи. Не скажу що сподобалось

Purchased at Beerfreak

Bottle Bottle

Sky's the Limit (Level 31) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 31) badge! To The Port (Level 10) Earned the To The Port (Level 10) badge!

Check-in Photo

Cherry Storm by Magic Road

Alex Pavlov is drinking a Cherry Storm by Magic Road at Untappd at Home

Purchased at 100 Beers

Bottle Bottle

To The Port (Level 22) Earned the To The Port (Level 22) badge!
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