Matt Merrick: Perhaps my fault, was expecting more along the lines of a saison. Don't think I'd have this again. Always nice to mix up the variety
4.2% ABV
649 Ratings
Andrea Ibatici is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Cask Beer
Liam McIndoe is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Brickyard Gastropub
Cucumber is definitely up front. It is sour and tangy.
Beer’o’Path is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Brickyard Gastropub
Purchased at Brickyard Gastropub
Matt Merrick is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Brickyard Gastropub
Cucumber lime & pickles. Probably a summer bbq beer. I wanted something refreshing, described as a farmhouse ale as oppose a sour I thought it might be abit crisp-r with a kinda sparkling texture. Marmite sorta beer but on this occasion I'm neutral
Matt Merrick: Perhaps my fault, was expecting more along the lines of a saison. Don't think I'd have this again. Always nice to mix up the variety
Robert Maxwell is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Brickyard Gastropub
Balázs Végh is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX
Purchased at Mad Scientist
Biereule is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Untappd at Home
Fernando Mouta is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Cask Beer
Luis P is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Brickyard Gastropub
Bartender said I have to try this for a unique experience; exactly as described; bring this to the summer family barbecue!
Purchased at Brickyard Gastropub
Marco José is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Cask Beer
Morgan Kan is drinking an Uborkasaláta & Funk by MadX at Brickyard Gastropub
Had to try it although I don’t think it makes sense as a regular drink. Strong cucumber taste with pickle aftertaste which is decidedly odd. Did grow on me though!
Gemüsebiere beste
Purchased at Bierbude Duisburg