10.5% ABV
21 IBU
893 Ratings
Arvi Karttunen is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at The Store
Glen S is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Untappd at Home
Advent #24 - hoewel er nog 3 post factum kleppers uit de advent in de kluis steken sluiten we bij deze een zeer geslaagde box af met een Harry Potter. Klepper 24 is wel brak, enkel boozy
Purchased at Hops 'N More
Max Wijnings is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Untappd at Home
Advent 24: de adventskalender 2024 van Hops ‘n More zit er bij deze op. Over het algemeen wel geslaagd, leuke en onbekende biertjes. Hij had nog wel een klepper of 2 verdiend, een stoutje bijvoorbeeld. Volgend jaar nog beter. Deze laatste is nie goe
Purchased at Hops 'N More
Axel Willems is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Hops 'N More
NBA is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at The Store
Probably this one. A bit underwhelming.
pascal is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Untappd at Home
Wim Peeters is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Hops 'N More
João Teixeira is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Untappd at Home
CERVEJADONATAU is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Catraio Craft Beer Shop
Boa mas n eh a minha favorita ............................
Purchased at Catraio Craft Beer Shop
Domingos Antunes is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Untappd at Home
Cerveja ambar escuro, com espuma acastanhada de boa persistencia. No nariz apresenta um bom aroma acaramelizado e tostado. No paladar também é notório o caramelo e os maltes tostados. Belo exemplar do que deve ser uma Strong Dark Ale.
Nome Sobrenome is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum
Rory D is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Lupum Wild Brewery & Taproom
Easy-drinking, a bit on the sweet end for me. Packs a punch
Todd Moore is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Catraio Craft Beer Shop
Purchased at Catraio Craft Beer Shop
Dmitrii is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at J'agora Cervejaria
caro is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Lupum Wild Brewery & Taproom
Emil N is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Lupum Wild Brewery & Taproom
Purchased at Lupum Wild Brewery & Taproom
David Tavares is drinking a Lupum Belgian Strong Dark Ale by Lupum at Lupum Wild Brewery & Taproom