4.7% ABV
2,627 Ratings
Chiel De groen is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Untappd at Home
Stian Mangersnes is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Bogafjell Kunstgressbane
Purchased at Helgø Matsenter - Bogafjell
Morgan Enquist is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Vävenscenen, Väven
Andreas Axtelius is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Brother Tuck
Isak Larsson is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Flippin’ Burgers
Fabian Hagen is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Hanekam
Litt fruktige, glutenfrie e an åg, ikje någe høydare dette her.
tilda_simons_9628 is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Snabba Katten
God och lätt, lite dyr bara.
Erpe is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Café Ariman
Mattias Brunzell is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG
Jörgen Öberg is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Katalin And All That Jazz
Purchased at Katalin And All That Jazz
Conor Boyle is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Untappd at Home
Purchased at The Counter
Johan Eriksson is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Strandgatan 2
Emil is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Untappd at Home
Tommy Stürtzel is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Hafjell Panorama
Purchased at CC Strandtorget
Fredrick Eklöf is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at Strandgatan 2
Purchased at Strandgatan 2
C A is drinking a Lucky Jack Gluten-Free by LERVIG at The Horse & Hound