Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition label

Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition

Lehe Pruulikoda

Farmhouse Ale - Bière de Garde

Total (?) 274

Unique (?) 259

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

9.5% ABV

40 IBU


237 Ratings

Rye Barrel Edition is a younger brother of The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. Wh Show More
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Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Leo-Mattias Leete is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda at Koht

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Purchased at Koht

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99 Bottles (Level 56) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 56) badge!
Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Zarah Fjodor is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda at Untappd at Home

Honig, Trockenfrucht, Rosinen , erstaunlich dünne für die Prozente, gut sprudelig und furztrocken hintenraus.

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Terviseks! (Level 12) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 12) badge!

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Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

R G is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Halloween Sale '23 @ Lehe Brewery. Slightly sweet and aromatic. Fruity. Wooden and bit dry. Light fizzy texture. Bitter. Faintly burnt and roasty. Spicy? Bread. Barrel notes. Not boozy or alcoish. BB: 20.11.2023 B: 1

Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

hanna veiny is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda at Koht

Bottle Bottle

Beer for Keeping Earned the Beer for Keeping badge!
Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

S J is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda at Untappd at Home

Rogge Bourbon Whisky🥰😋🤟. Eikenhout. Witte🍇, iets funky.

Purchased at De Hoppenaar

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Trip to the Farm (Level 21) Earned the Trip to the Farm (Level 21) badge! Beer for Keeping Earned the Beer for Keeping badge!

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Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Jelle Crynen is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda at Kapelleke Molenstraat

Moeilijke om te beschrijven eigenlijk. Veel mout, zowel zacht als scherp (kan dat?) en een mooi boozy barreltje met uiteraard veel rogge

Purchased at Bierhandel Willems

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Beer for Keeping Earned the Beer for Keeping badge!

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Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Этот Как Его is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda at Untappd at Home

Batch #1 20.11.2023 Северофранцузский фермеркий пивас, выдержан в бочках из-под ржаного виски. При чём, как я понимаю, одну варку разделили на две бочки: вторая часть пошла на выдержку в винную бочку из-под сладкого Jurançon Рж👇

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Middle of the Road (Level 32) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 32) badge! Terviseks! (Level 4) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 4) badge!
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Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Corwin Celebdil is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Приємний щільний бір де гарде, бочка надала акуратні деревні тони.

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Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Andrii Boiko is drinking a Kodanluse Diskreetne Võlu Rye Barrel Edition by Lehe Pruulikoda

Purchased at The Dealer Bottle Shop Kyiv

Bottle Bottle

Trip to the Farm (Level 3) Earned the Trip to the Farm (Level 3) badge! Terviseks! (Level 3) Earned the Terviseks! (Level 3) badge!
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