Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon
Collaboration with Third Moon Brewing Company
IPA - New England / Hazy
6.5% ABV
20 IBU
217 Ratings
Collaboration with Third Moon Brewing Company
IPA - New England / Hazy
6.5% ABV
20 IBU
217 Ratings
Thomas Krause-Kjær is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Christian Thomsen is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch
Minder jo meget om etteren. Helt enorm fløjlsblød og en mundfylde som man kunne ønske sig fra alle øl. Smagen er til gengæld lidt mere afdæmpet, men stadig præget af grønne druer og grøn æble. Lav bitterhed, men det er lige tilpas.
Purchased at Ølsmageren
Peter Glerup is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Ikke dårlig og af øl nr. 1500 er det faktisk ok 😜 God aroma vandvittig fylde og blødhed god let bitterhed og dejlig eftersmag Aroma citrus druer blød og dejligt Eftersmag stadig citrus og druer samt let grøn æbler Fylden er fantastisk så dejlig bajer
Purchased at Ølsmageren
Ferry Vermeer is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at The Painter's Drinking Hole
Juicy citrus. Erg goed dit!
Simon N is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Malt & Grape
kissermadsen is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Michael Schultz is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Jonas Enghave is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Ret ensartet og unuanceret, men gør ikke nogen fortræd. Ikke bitter.
Purchased at Ølsmageren
Paula Strengnell is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Daniel Majd is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at D&P's Beer & Chili Parlour
Janar V is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Sõjakooli 12B
Michiel Rheiter is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Beerdome
Sören W is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Untappd at Home
Great fruity and herbal scent. Taste fruity/tropical with citrus and herbal notes. Nicely hazy coloured. It's hoppy, smooth and refreshing. It has a juicy and soft mouthfeel. Bitterness is quite low. Absolutely delicious!
Purchased at De Biersalon
Gunnar F is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Slottet på Rosenhoff
Purchased at Beerdome
Pål Wilhelmsen is drinking a Capitaine Bebo - Ketch X Third Moon by Le Ketch at Slottet på Rosenhoff
Purchased at Beerdome
Backlog Très bel aromatique sur le Nelson, douce Avalée sans prendre de photo
Purchased at Beerdome