Jan Kerst: Watt?
4.5% ABV
300 Ratings
Jomo Kigotho is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Untappd at Home
Purchased at The Great Beyond
Earned the Flamenco (Level 4) badge!Matti Klemelä is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Terra Mia
Olut vai? Oli ainaki oluen kohtaal. Ei se olut ny nii maistu. Nää väittää et sangria. Ei kauheen miesmäinen… kaljaa ja punaviiniä vissii sekasi t. Rumppu.
Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 9) badge! Earned the Beer Foodie (Level 3) badge! Earned the Pizza & Brew badge!Tjitse van den Bos is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Greenland Blue Lagoon
Cider? Lekker dorstlessend.
Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 20) badge! Earned the Riding Steady (Level 39) badge!Sam Jubon is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Base Naval de Rota
Brian Rose is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Restaurante El Huerto de Juan Ranas
Krassi Ivanova is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Castell De Santa Barbara, Alicante, Spain
Moritz Schulte is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera
Jan is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Terra Mia
Timothy Daveloose is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Café De Republiek
Meer wijn
Earned the Riding Steady (Level 9) badge! Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 32) badge! Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 23) badge!Allex Henson is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera
Kevin Stoddart is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Central Beers
Very refreshing on a hot day in Malaga
Purchased at Central Beers
Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 39) badge! Earned the Flamenco (Level 9) badge!Christoph Piesik is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Cofradía De Pescadores Las Nieves
Christoph Piesik is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at La Cantina
Jan Kerst: Watt?
Jan Kerst: San Bia oder wie?
Christoph Piesik: Jo soll Bier sein....aua dem Zapf...
Dustin Woodruff is drinking a Tinto De Verano by La Tita Rivera at Azúcar De Cuba