10% ABV
84 Ratings
Marijke is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght at RuimTeUtrecht
Ronald Stevens is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght at Groene Engel
Fijn bierke op t Osse Bierfestival
Perry is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght at Stadsbrasserie Marie
Donker (pikzwart), lichtschuimend biertje. Ruikt naar koffie, geroosterd. Smaakt zoet, koffie, geroosterd, beetje chocolade, iets zoutig, licht bittertje.
bas rutten is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght
Maarten is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght at Stadsbrasserie Marie
Chris Pouwels is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght
Jacco Vonk is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght at Groene Engel
Daniël is drinking an Against the Law by Klere Boght