Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU label

Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU


IPA - New England / Hazy

Total (?) 931

Unique (?) 759

Monthly (?) 39

You 0

6.5% ABV

35 IBU


673 Ratings

三重の銘酒【作】の酒粕を使った 吟醸香のジューシーなビールです。 三重県公認おすすめ商品【みえセレクション 】に選定。三重の蔵元「清水清三郎商店」さんとのコラボ Show More
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Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

S B is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Sake Ginza

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 25) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 25) badge!

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Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

w q is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO


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Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

Yiming Wang is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO at Untappd at Home

4.15 想喝清酒了

Can Can

Rising Sun  (Level 16) Earned the Rising Sun (Level 16) badge!

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Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

Shuo Lei is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO at Untappd at Home

33cl [email protected] Beijing CN [email protected] 外观 略单薄柠檬黄色雾状透光酒身 一指白色泡沫长袖时间较长 香气 清香感 蜜瓜 酒粕 味道 蜜瓜 酒粕轻微橙类水果 回味 持续的酒粕 热带水果味道 尾端轻微涩感 口感 酒体略薄 轻微滑腻感 碳化程度中等 泡沫刺口感极其绵密 苦感极其轻微 涩感轻微 酒精感无 757515 3.9 interesting IPA + SAKE

Bottle Bottle

Haze for Days (Level 46) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 46) badge! Rising Sun  (Level 25) Earned the Rising Sun (Level 25) badge!

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Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

Circus 笑 is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO at 万未精酿啤酒Cans craft beer bottle shop


Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

W Q is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO at 乱七八糟的宿舍


Bottle Bottle

Rising Sun  (Level 32) Earned the Rising Sun (Level 32) badge!

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Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

Anthony Mendez is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO at San Kai

Date night in edmonds

Bottle Bottle

Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

s l is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

Bottle Bottle


Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

B Hao is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO


Bottle Bottle

Rising Sun (Level 6) Earned the Rising Sun (Level 6) badge!

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Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO

Ed D Deppman is drinking a Sakekasu Hazy IPA ZAKU by ISEKADO at Izanami

Bottle Bottle

Tailgating with Punch Cigars Earned the Tailgating with Punch Cigars badge! Middle of the Road (Level 78) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 78) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 27) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 27) badge! Rising Sun Earned the Rising Sun badge!

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