Mattias Theys: Op nen dinsdag?? Gij durft
7.7% ABV
200 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
7.7% ABV
200 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Rasmus is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Untappd at Home
Lasse Deleuran is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Untappd at Home
Mathias Muff is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Untappd at Home
Syrlig jura… nydes med en syrlig jurist.
ho hi is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Craft Beer Toca
Lærke Lauesen is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars
666 goat fucker. Eller god “øl”
Peter Koster is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar
Siebrand Mazeland is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Venster Wijkrestaurant
Purchased at Utrecht Beer Buyers Club
Richa is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Venster Wijkrestaurant
Purchased at Utrecht Beer Buyers Club
Casper V. is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Venster Wijkrestaurant
Heel fijn! Jullie gaan gemist worden
Purchased at Utrecht Beer Buyers Club
Sara van Bezooijen is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Venster Wijkrestaurant
UBBC nieuwjaarsborrel
Rob Hiddinga is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Venster Wijkrestaurant
Purchased at Utrecht Beer Buyers Club
Thido Arts is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Venster Wijkrestaurant
Purchased at Utrecht Beer Buyers Club
Rick Harderwijk is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Venster Wijkrestaurant
Smells a bir like adhesive tape, slight spiciness.
Purchased at Utrecht Beer Buyers Club
Sjors van Hal is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar
Purchased at De Hoppenaar
Boshaar is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars
Gewoon zuurtje trekken. Wake up
Mats van der Scheer: Volgensmij is er ook een reden waarom hier geen lci bij staat om half 9 in de ochtend...
Boshaar: Haha sharp like a knife, sss🤫
Ilian Rijksen is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars
Sem Vleeming is drinking a Maturation: Vin Jaune 2021 by Insight Cellars at Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar
Muf, niet m’n ding
Purchased at Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar