elijah shekinah: Give away the stone Let the oceans take and trans mutate this cold and fated anchor Give away the stone Let the waters kiss and trans mutate
5.2% ABV
292 Ratings
Andrea Verdino is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Jason Kitchen is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
I think this is fucking delish. Nice and simple farmhouse ale. Nice and light bodied I Could drink this all day
Corey Rex is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Untappd at Home
Inoffensive and a bit underwhelming.
Gustavo Albuquerque is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Untappd at Home
Bottled Feb 2018
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
elijah shekinah: Give away the stone Let the oceans take and trans mutate this cold and fated anchor Give away the stone Let the waters kiss and trans mutate
Gustavo Albuquerque: elijah s. I like that song 🍻
elijah shekinah: Glad you recognized it! Tool is one of my favorite of all time 🍻
Garrett Van Siclen is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Funky Town 2018. Very food friendly
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Jill Kimmel is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Lower Roxbury
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
C Mertens is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Fantastic farmhouse. Crispy white grape pear. Wish I’d bought more.
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
John LaBelle is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Marco Borba is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Nathan is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Cam S is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Idle Hands Craft Ales
White grapes and Clove
Mark is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Domenic's Laundry
White grape, floral, a bit tart & funky. Flavors are very light & subdued. It’s also pretty lightly carbonated. More carbonation would help.
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
L&J is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Purity Springs
Pam Russell is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Interestingly sweet and sour in the same sip.
Jed Donnelly is drinking a Transmutation I by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Jedi's Kitchen
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
4 years old and held up beautifully!!