5.6% ABV
1,256 Ratings
Graham Barlow is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at The Kenmore
Colton Bower is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Tuscan Sea Grill & Bar
Jennifer Toto is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Justin Timmons is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Purchased at New Republik Bar
Jennifer Toto is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
JJ Oliver is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Broken Records Beer Hall
Jennifer Toto is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Adam Nichols is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Jennifer Toto is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Purchased at Idle Hands Craft Ales
Simon Hall is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at HobGoblin
Sarah Bierman is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at New Republik Bar
MacKenzie Grenier is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Broken Records Beer Hall
That’s a crisp, tart beer…it’s yummmmyyy
Purchased at Broken Records Beer Hall
Daniela Brennan is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Gulu-Gulu Café
Quintessential sour 💋🤌🏻 Like that precious moment after the initial pucker of a warhead & before it retreats to its boring hard candy core. +.5 support from the name... I rarely give a perfect score.
Lorna Jakubowski is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Gulu-Gulu Café
Jake Ashcraft is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Come for the pizza, stay to watch Katie pour the beer
Rosie Ward is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Motonari Kambara is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales at Area Four - Cambridge
Sabrina Beach is drinking a Kill Your Idles: Pluot by Idle Hands Craft Ales
Idle hands brewing makes some pretty good sours! Nice mix of plums and apricot!
Purchased at NAN’s