Daniel Irizarry: Happy Birthday!!
7.7% ABV
214 Ratings
Cody Souza-Ladden is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Birthday beer #1
Rob Langolf is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Craft Beer Cellar Westford
Brian B is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Honest Weight Artisan Beer
adam is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Wood Hall
Kelly Haverstick is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Honest Weight Artisan Beer
Dean Bullett is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer
Pam Russell is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Bourbon yeah.
Nick Palumbo is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Loving this one. So much going on. Dark fruit, funk, subtle tartness, and little leathery tobacco vibe. Nice blend of styles 👍
Purchased at Honest Weight Artisan Beer
Dave White is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Slightly jarring tartness at first, which mellows and makes way for subtle warmer flavors.
Alex is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Untappd at Home
Honey and raisins. Some date. Good, slightly malty, black bread sweetness. Delicious.
Purchased at Honest Weight Artisan Beer
Justin is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer at Franklin, MA
Ken is drinking an Epistrophy by Honest Weight Artisan Beer
Purchased at Pour Richard's
Purchased at Albert’s Market