Unicornucopia label


Holy Goat Brewing

Sour - Fruited

Total (?) 887

Unique (?) 860

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6% ABV



800 Ratings

This golden sour was fermented with one of our favourite Brettanomyces cultures - fe Show More
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Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

T Napu is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Untappd at Home

Hämmentävän raikas vaikka ollut jo jonkin aikaa kellarissa kypsymässä, maku kuitenkin kiinnostavan funky. Erittäin mukava yllätys.

Bottle Bottle

Beer of the World (Level 71) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 71) badge!

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Ketil Knutsen is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at TÆPS

En knallgod suring, veldig sur faktisk, med ferskensmak. Koser meg nå…

Purchased at TÆPS

Bottle Bottle

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Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

lianna g is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Very drinkable for a Brett beer 👍

Weekday Warrior Earned the Weekday Warrior badge!

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Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

@beernotes Instagram is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Nydelig surøl. Et av de beste jeg har smakt. Veldig godt balansert, komplekst med en saftig sødme som ligger midt oppi det hele.

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Hiram Strauß is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at WISEACRE Brewery Downtown Taproom (Wiseacre Brewery Downtown Taproom)

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 24) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 24) badge! Draft City (Level 9) Earned the Draft City (Level 9) badge! God Save the King (Level 2) Earned the God Save the King (Level 2) badge!

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

YL Choi is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Cold Town House - Brewhouse Bar & Grassmarket Garden

佢個種味似係乾果嗰種口味;似日本酸梅嗰種味道👅個收尾嘅酸味喺口腔裏面蕩漾;個口感結實。要兩個token (£5)

Draft Draft

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Torodd Rønning is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at BrewDog Oslo

Purchased at BrewDog Oslo

Bottle Bottle

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 79) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 79) badge! Highlander (Level 17) Earned the Highlander (Level 17) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Tommy Berg is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at BrewDog Oslo

Bottle Bottle

God Save the King (Level 69) Earned the God Save the King (Level 69) badge!
Tagged Friends
Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Svend Mols is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Highlander (Level 6) Earned the Highlander (Level 6) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

The Richard is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Highlander (Level 16) Earned the Highlander (Level 16) badge!
Tagged Friends
Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Morten Hansen is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Purchased at Café Sara

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer (Level 20) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 20) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 9) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 9) badge!
Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Russell is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Holy Goat Brewing

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 74) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 74) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Gareth Thom is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Stirling County RFC

Sour peach, loads of flavour, strong and in your face. Epicure Craft Beer Festival Bulk Log.

Purchased at Stirling County RFC

Draft Draft

Pucker Up (Level 63) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 63) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 67) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 67) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Stine M is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at BrewDog Oslo

Bottle Bottle

God Save the King (Level 73) Earned the God Save the King (Level 73) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

David Wykes is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Untappd at Home

A bit of sediment in this bottle but didn't affect the beer

Purchased at Holy Goat Brewing

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 94) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 94) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 63) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 63) badge!

Check-in Photo

Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing

Nicola is drinking an Unicornucopia by Holy Goat Brewing at Untappd at Home

Aged for 1.5 years. Still very VERY sharp, fruity and tropical. Citrus, passion fruit, peach, mango. Lovely funk and tartness. Sour and bright. Lovely.

Bottle Bottle

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