László Cs: Moon M. Én se igazán. Járt is érte badge.😉🍻
4.5% ABV
313 Ratings
Dena is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Labeerint
László Cs is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Untappd at Home
Túlázott teafüves, narancshéjas. Nem rossz, de inkább belépő szint, kissé old school. 🌱🍊
Purchased at DrinkOnline.eu
László Cs: Moon M. Én se igazán. Járt is érte badge.😉🍻
Alessandro Angeli is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Untappd at Home
Nice light bitterness, hoppy and cotrussy.
M. D. is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Madam Pancake
Adrián Jankovič is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar
Maja is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Haltstelle Theodor Heuss Straße
Eric P is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at H Krankenhaus Weende
Manuel Beneš is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Untappd at Home
Purchased at DrinkOnline.eu
pivni_spirala is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Liptovský Ján
Interesting... i taste grapefruit, ale and... sauerkraut... yes
Purchased at Pivná pohotovosť - Prevádzka Drinkšop Maytex
Karol Bernasek is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Na 7. schode
t639 is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Richtár Jakub - Gallery Šenk
Michal Čásar is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar
Peter Kudoláni is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Untappd at Home
Purchased at oil JPM
Nika Be is drinking a 11° Mad Blondie by Holíčsky pivovar Wywar at Untappd at Home