5% ABV
15,396 Ratings
Kurt Spotts is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Γρηγορης
Onwar is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Untappd at Home
_kostaspro is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Meta tis 10
Nikos Psomadopoulos is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA)
Rob Horner is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA)
Melle Sjardijn is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA)
Dit is tot nu toe wel de minst lekkerste dus daarom geef ik hem de helft ervan
Mickey Stranack is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Untappd at Home
As average as u get not a fan of pigeons
Derek Thomas is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos (ATH) (Διεθνής Αερολιμένας Αθηνών Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος)
komakili is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Untappd at Home
Edward McIntyre is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at It's All Greek To Me
Mathijs Adinau is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Icarus
Purchased at Icarus
Fabian is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at La Pasteria
The problem when ordering Greek beer from a menu is that you first cannot find it in Splitwise if you’re not familiar with the Greek Alphabet… the community voting would have warned me
Purchased at La Pasteria
Craig Bullamore is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Untappd at Home
Koen Smits is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Restaurant Irodion Grieks Tuinrestaurant & Party
martijn_postema_2059 is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Αττικά Αρτοποιεία
Jelle Bos is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA) at Irodion oosterhout
Ja lekker
Christopher Sandow is drinking an EZA Fine Lager by Hellenic Brewery of Atalanti (EZA)