Brad Payne: Christmas tree?
4.5% ABV
2,354 Ratings
JoPa96 is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Chalet Matjescopaintjes
Michael K is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Sheraton Club Lounge
Lcfcewan is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Daniel Korstvedt Nilsson is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Larvik
Kjøpt på ECO Marked Larvik.
August Ansnes Rømen is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Larvik
James Mountain is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Brad Payne: Christmas tree?
Brad Payne: Matt S. well always have Zywiec
Matt Spicer: Brad P. I think I am still slightly hung over from that night....
Sebastian Nordvall is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Martijn Meer is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Lou Gouber is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Det Solfylde Randbjærg
Døll pils.
Purchased at Eko Market Arendal
Andreas Brolin is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Nä. Den här får lågt betyg. Vattnig. Fadd smak. Kranvatten?
Anders Trulsson is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Gunilla Trulsson is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Richard Utton is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Hard Rock Cafe Kraków
It’s another lager
Janne Boquist is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Arek Gr is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Edu Centeno is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Juan Serrano: 😲
Edu Centeno: Y con imán abridor en forma de chapa de regalo!! 🙊
Angie is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Untappd at Home
Irene Bjørke is drinking a Żywiec Jasne Lekkie by Grupa Żywiec at Doktorens kontor