Henk Vogelaar: Ivo L. 🤣🤣
15.1% ABV
60 IBU
16,401 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Nikki Gilroy is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at Gilroy’s Cave
Lauren R is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co.
Note to self- drink it! Good teaching beer, like a pepper not a coffee. Waited toooooo long.
Pascal Leroux is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at The Sipping Barrel
Way past its prime
Simon is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at The Sipping Barrel
Thx Lauren
Koen Geurts is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at Bierproeflokaal In De Wildeman
.@ wilde bottleshare nr6 (Wildeman Amsterdam). LOVE IT
BierUur Wouter is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at Bierproeflokaal In De Wildeman
Quality blend. This barleywine combines well with the (great) coffee. Coffee dominant
Hans de Jong is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at Bierproeflokaal In De Wildeman
Toetje van de bottleshare! Mooie en verfijnde barleywine, koffie, iets van suikerstroop, maple syrup, melasse, caramel, vrij zoet dus lange zoete afdronk.
Henk Vogelaar: Ivo L. 🤣🤣
Bianca H: Hij had een paar jokers 🤣😉
Ivo Lammers: Bianca H. Niet een paar. Hij heeft heel erg veel jokers ingezet.
Ivo Lammers: JP Janet ja, vast. Not. Hij heeft zoveel jokers verbruikt dat ie die in februari niet meer in kan zetten
Henk Vogelaar: Volgens mij was het non-alcohol proefavond bij In de Wildeman, 😎
Ivo Lammers: Henk V. 🤔
Ithar Da Costa is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at Bierproeflokaal In De Wildeman
Wat. Koffie? Ja!
Yngwie van de Velde is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at Bierproeflokaal In De Wildeman
Purchased at Bierproeflokaal In De Wildeman
Benny VO is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co.
Scott is drinking a Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. at Untappd at Home
Mark Jankowski: You didn’t save any for me?
Fri, 07 Feb 2025 00:07:30 +0000 Report