Lars Söderström: Hahaha saknar du Gävle ?
5% ABV
110 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Per-Ewert is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Systembolaget
Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 70) badge! Earned the Bravo for Brown (Level 2) badge! Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 56) badge!Chandell Chandell is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri
Brune har en smak av typ överjästa äpplen och russin. Dracks från flaska på 330 ml. Flaska @ Systembolaget Beställningssortiment
Earned the Riding Steady (Level 84) badge! Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 28) badge!Gustav Kronqvist is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Kraftig öl med härlig sötma och kolsyra. En av de bättre lokala ölerna hittills. Fick ta mig fasen lite julstämning nu.
Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 28) badge! Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 27) badge!Magnus Ahlden is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Triangeln
CC 2024 #10 - Gästrikland - not as full bodied as most Belgian brown ales are. Still pretty decent.
Niklas Lindblad Hegenius is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
CC 2024 #10 Gästrikland, en trevlig bra belgare för att inte vara belgare
Purchased at Systembolaget
Elin Bergqvist is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Adventsöl 1:2 Oklar kolafärgad med doft av apelsin. Smakar apelsin och lite karamelligt
Jacob Häggberg is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Adventsöl 1:2 Lättsam smak av belgisk ale utan att det tar över. Är inget fan av när belgare blir för tunga, men det här var precis lagom. Lättdrucken!
Rickard Schöffel is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Systembolaget
Oscar Olsson is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Martin Hasselgren is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Martans Djurgårdshörna
Purchased at Systembolaget
Lars Söderström: Hahaha saknar du Gävle ?
Martin Hasselgren: Bara getaway och dig. 😉
Lars Söderström: Martin H. Det va lite min tanke :)
Karl-Erik Bäckström is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Systembolaget
Kj Olss is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri
Johan Fransson is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Sara B is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri
David Bowern is drinking a Geflebockens Brune by GefleBockens Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Good head. Amber colour.Sweet caramel malt aroma.Some noble hop aroma. Taste is dry . . Quite good and drinkablee
Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 40) badge! Earned the Bravo for Brown (Level 4) badge!