caseyjonesdrinksbeer: But is Josh drinking a duvel?? 🥹
4.7% ABV
248 Ratings
nussini is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery
Gigi Harper is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Bira Fabrikası
can is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Roll Coffee House
Purchased at Roll Coffee House
GetEnriqueD is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Untappd at Home
Finally a good turkish beer
caseyjonesdrinksbeer: But is Josh drinking a duvel?? 🥹
GetEnriqueD: caseyjonesdrinksbeer good spot, he sure is!
Simon Rindlisbacher is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Can market
Jan Willem tM is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery
Purchased at Restoran Gül
Tango Pain is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Abra Bar
Salih Odabasi is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Untappd at Home
Agah Akmaz is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Untappd at Home
ilovemygrandma is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at The Celt Irish Pub
Purchased at The Celt Irish Pub
Şevval Candaş is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery
Sarjos oldum yprum yapamicam ama aci kokuyor baharat
Kerem is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery
36 🎉
Purchased at Tant pis
mrz is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Untappd at Home
Ali Jensen is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery
Zack S is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery
Ctflque is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at The Celt Irish Pub
Cookiesmum is drinking an Uçurtma Pils by Gara Guzu Brewery at Pablo
Purchased at Pablo