Gary COX: Don't tell me if you drank it at 6.45pm
6.3% ABV
52 IBU
23,787 Ratings
Yngve Fuglem is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at London Heathrow Airport (LHR) (London Heathrow Airport)
Dima Smyslov is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery
Purchased at Пивная карта
Mike Cave is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Untappd at Home
Very good timing - even if I do say so myself….
Sam Everest is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Griffin Brewery
Robin Hill is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Untappd at Home
Conny Karlsson is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery
Purchased at Systembolaget
Hans Holmquist is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Idre Fjäll
Itai Orr is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Griffin Brewery
Purchased at Griffin Brewery
Dmitrii Timoshevskii is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Untappd at Home
готовимся к пробитию 10 по 100
Purchased at Cultura Bottle Shop
The Guy is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery
Nikhil Shah is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at The Doric Arch - Euston
Purchased at The Doric Arch - Euston
Mark Ormes is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Untappd at Home
Joe Temple is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery
John Melons is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Untappd at Home
Axel Nordgren is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Royal Oak
En fin öl åt det mörkare hållet, perfekt för en liten halvruggig vinterkväll
Edward Hardy is drinking a 1845 by Fuller's Griffin Brewery at Untappd at Home