8% ABV
4,140 Ratings
Mark Hood is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery
Mark Mojsak is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Chancery Lane
This was given free by the barman as he thought it wasn't as good as it should be! Difficult to rate as a result. Pic seems darker than most. Love the style but not getting taste others have.
Steve R is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at Untappd at Home
Smooth, tropical fruits, creamy, slightly lemon, little grassy 🥳🍻
Brian Lipp is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery
Can. Pours foggy yellow gold with a white head. Herbal and grassy hops, toasted coconut, a little citrus, moderate bitterness, and more coconut and herbal notes in the finish. This is just ok.
Pavel Novik is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Chancery Lane
Alexey is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Chancery Lane
Tom Chandler is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery
Scott Blanco is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Plymouth
Purchased at BrewDog Plymouth
Daniel Buckley is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at Untappd at Home
Like this one
Purchased at Curtis Liquor Stores
Richard Banyard is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at House of the Trembling Madness Home Delivery
Tom Cowie is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at Brewdog Chancery Lane
Chris Bruin is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Chancery Lane
Beer Fluenca is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at Untappd at Home
Hazy juiced pour, creamy dryhopped piney resinous white wine grapes leaving beautifully tongue-numbing!
Purchased at Finback Brewery
Tony Salls is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Bristol
Purchased at BrewDog Bristol
Ferran is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Chancery Lane
Ryan Wagman is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery
Grassy and zesty, with lots of competing flavors. But....the sabro gives it a note of sunscreen. Brewers, think long and hard before adding sabro into an IPA blend.
Greg Ward is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Chancery Lane
Pawel P is drinking a Fields of Tall Grass by Finback Brewery at BrewDog Chancery Lane
Purchased at BrewDog Chancery Lane