v cook: Should be called mind erAser or where do I live. Definitely a one and done beverage but shouldn’t any stout be this good. Thx False Idols. How are you not jammed up. Cheers. It’s all good.
13% ABV
194 Ratings
Jarrod Niederhiser is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at Untappd at Home
Daniel T is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing
Shannon Davis is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
B. Newman is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Al Smith is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Annie Nguyen is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
v cook is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
v cook: Should be called mind erAser or where do I live. Definitely a one and done beverage but shouldn’t any stout be this good. Thx False Idols. How are you not jammed up. Cheers. It’s all good.
David A. is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Purchased at False Idol Brewing
Mario L is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Purchased at False Idol Brewing
Ian K is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Melanie S is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Purchased at False Idol Brewing
Scott Hider is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Purchased at False Idol Brewing
Jennifer McCoy is drinking a Mind Flayer by False Idol Brewing at False Idol Brewing
Purchased at False Idol Brewing