kjetil_melanton: A bit on the sweet side.
8% ABV
586 Ratings
Johan Ohlsson is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Hemköp
Daniel Åsberg is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Systembolaget
kjetil_melanton is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri
Purchased at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
kjetil_melanton: A bit on the sweet side.
May Helen Norevik is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
Christian Rasperry is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
Purchased at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
Mats Olsson is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Skogen
Fyllig.Tropisk frukt, blommigt humlig. Liten beska
David is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
Purchased at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
Emma S is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
Tobias Engström is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Brewers Beer Bar Tredje Långgatan
Elisabet Blom is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Systembolaget
Anders Blom is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Systembolaget
Joacim Skogsfjord is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Systembolaget
David Engelhardt is drinking a Neon Lights by Dugges Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Hoppy, hazy, hint of pineapple, (3,5+/3,75-)
Purchased at Systembolaget City