Barry Billings: When available I like getting a cask beer. It don’t happen often.
5% ABV
50 IBU
106 Ratings
Ashley Ross is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Purchased at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Acrowbat is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House
Just what cask beer should taste like. Feel like I’m in old England drinking GOOD beer.
Purchased at Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House
Sam is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Barry Billings: When available I like getting a cask beer. It don’t happen often.
Sam: Barry B. I feel the same way. Luckily it’s getting more popular here.
Loren Nelson is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Classic. Even served close to room temp. Wish it held its carbonation better.
Scott Geyer is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Ted Dinklocker is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Purchased at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Fred Wright is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Spot on! Like a Boddingtons but better
Kareena P is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House
Jeff Salkeld is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Glad to see a true Bitter, and a very nice one.
Purchased at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House
Greg & Jennifer Knott is drinking a Bachelor Bitter Cask Conditioned by Deschutes Brewery at Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House
true to style … solid bitter … a bit hoppier and thin on the finish … great hop bitterness but very flavorful!
Purchased at Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House