Laura C-R: Well done!
4.8% ABV
1,741 Ratings
Clemens W is drinking a Lager Hell by Denner at Centre sportif UNIL/EPFL
Purchased at Denner Satellit
Chris Rauch is drinking a Lager Hell by Denner at Hotel Excelsior
I expected this to be Scheisse since it cost 1 Franc at a discount Swiss supermarket. But it's not that bad. Like a lighter Heineken. I may have 9 more. Get blitzed on less than the cost of a bus ticket.
Purchased at Denner
bans_en_bans is drinking a Lager Hell by Denner at Untappd at Home
Martin Baumann is drinking a Lager Hell by Denner at Untappd at Home
david_kalman_4842 is drinking a Lager Hell by Denner at Untappd at Home