9.666% ABV
1,131 Ratings
Caleb Hicks is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Avenue Pub
More tart, less funk than I expected from brettanomyces. Really delicious, just not what I expected.
Bryan Hobbs is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Uncle Henry's Deli
Purchased at Uncle Henry's Deli
Ryan Claussen is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Zombie Burger + Drink Lab
Chris McCombs is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at The Exchange
This version has tangerine zest, which imparts a pithy, harsh bitterness. The beer itself is delicious but the zest really overpowers
Purchased at The Exchange
dave is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Crooked Stave
Shane (Lushy) McLush-Face is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Crooked Stave
Chris Chirichetti II is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Crooked Stave
Caroline Conlin is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave
Purchased at Crooked Stave @ The Source
Wesley Calton is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Crooked Stave
Markus T is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave
Very late from 2013. Malmö. Ölkalas hos Ekne.
Alex Schlosser is drinking a Nightmare on Brett: Grand Cru by Crooked Stave at Laureate Publick House
That's right fuckers, I'm at the bar