Babyyodavka label


Cosmic City

Traditional Ale

Total (?) 40

Unique (?) 37

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

5% ABV



24 Ratings

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Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

Mike Cherkassky is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

АААААА, надо такое на 1 января!

Draft Draft

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Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

I Am Nietzsche is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

Draft Draft

Том ямчик с 5% алко. Хз, оценивать не могу. Прикольная тема просто.

Purchased at Share House

Verified Adventure (Level 69) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 69) badge!

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Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

yarik is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

Purchased at Share House

Share? For Sure! (Level 14) Earned the Share? For Sure! (Level 14) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 21) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 21) badge! Tovarisch! (Level 92) Earned the Tovarisch! (Level 92) badge!
Tagged Friends
Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

Alena Salenko is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

Purchased at Share House

Draft Draft

Verified Adventure (Level 18) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 18) badge!
Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

artyom yakovlev is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

за пиво 5, за суп тоже 5

Cask Cask

Riding Steady (Level 72) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 72) badge!
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Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

ccc is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

Лизнул соль.

Purchased at Share House

Taster Taster

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Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

Никита Таллер is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

Аааааа.... горячий пивной полуовощной суп, полу том ям!

Purchased at Share House

Draft Draft

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Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

Andrei Pluzhnikov is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House


Draft Draft

Beer Gathering Earned the Beer Gathering badge! Share? For Sure! Earned the Share? For Sure! badge! Bar Explorer (Level 3) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 3) badge! Beer Foodie Earned the Beer Foodie badge! Verified Adventure (Level 3) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 3) badge! Brewery Pioneer (Level 4) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 4) badge! Beer of the World (Level 2) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 2) badge!

Check-in Photo

Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

Vlad Vlad is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

Purchased at Share House

Taster Taster

Share? For Sure! (Level 85) Earned the Share? For Sure! (Level 85) badge!

Check-in Photo

Babyyodavka by Cosmic City

Marat Settarov is drinking a Babyyodavka by Cosmic City at Share House

Cask Cask

Суп малыша Йоды. Уже в самоваре. Таков путь!

Purchased at Share House

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