West Coast Blonde label

West Coast Blonde

Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Collaboration with Doctor Brew

IPA - American

Total (?) 1,179

Unique (?) 903

Monthly (?) 10

You 0

6.5% ABV

55 IBU


826 Ratings

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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Andrii Dikhtiarenko is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Тропічний аромат, виражена гірчинка - але не стільки хвійна, скільки пільснерівська, з характерним солодко-гірким післясмаком. Цікаве поєднання

Better Together Earned the Better Together badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 3) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 3) badge!

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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Антон Проглядов is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop at Best Beer

Класичне і цього разу. Жорстке, як копняк долі, порівняно з різними смаколиками.

Purchased at Best Beer

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 100) Earned the Draft City (Level 100) badge!
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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Andrew Blintsov is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop at Draft & Craft

Purchased at Draft & Craft

Draft Draft

I Believe in IPA! (Level 43) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 43) badge!
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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Orest is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop at Cantona Pub

Better Together (Level 3) Earned the Better Together (Level 3) badge!
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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Рома Грач is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop at Братиська

Draft Draft

Verified Adventure (Level 30) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 30) badge!
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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Dmytro is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop at Човен

Purchased at Човен

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 15) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 15) badge! Budmo (Level 14) Earned the Budmo (Level 14) badge!
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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

Сергій Капустін is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop at Човен

Ale Trail: IPA - American Earned the Ale Trail: IPA - American badge! Night Out Earned the Night Out badge!
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West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop

SergiusSych is drinking a West Coast Blonde by Copper Head. Beer Workshop at Best Beer

Хмільний аромат ялинки. Просто краса!

Draft Draft

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