Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches label

Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches

Coma Brewery

Sour - Smoothie / Pastry

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5.2% ABV



1,693 Ratings

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Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Александр Кузнецов is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery at Untappd at Home

Пахнет чёрной смородиной и… клубникой, которой нет в составе, во вкусе черная смородина, фруктовое пюре, сладость есть, но кислинка сильнее, легкая газация. В послевкусие проявляется горечь грейпфрута, черная смородина, уверенная кислинка. Достойное

Purchased at Порт№1

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Dessert Time! (Level 10) Earned the Dessert Time! (Level 10) badge!

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Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Ксения Рыженкова is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Liquid Lunch Earned the Liquid Lunch badge! Middle of the Road Earned the Middle of the Road badge! Pucker Up Earned the Pucker Up badge!
Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Наталья Александровна is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 12) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 12) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 11) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 11) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 10) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 10) badge!
Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Артем is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Power Month Earned the Power Month badge! Middle of the Road (Level 4) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 4) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 3) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 3) badge!
Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Anton Maximov is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery at CHO CHO

Отличный сбалансированный смузевич, средний по консистенции, не особо слышно тока свеклу, смородина и цитрус грейпрутовый в синергии👍

Purchased at Порт№1

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Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Надежда Жабавук is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery at Тут Я Чиллю

Purchased at Punchiller

Can Can

Pucker Up (Level 50) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 50) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 26) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 26) badge!

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Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Ksushkakaban is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 27) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 27) badge! For the Can (Level 25) Earned the For the Can (Level 25) badge! Dessert Time! (Level 9) Earned the Dessert Time! (Level 9) badge!

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Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Vycrum Blossom is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Этикетка круче пива) Классный грейпфрутовый сок.

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Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Vladimir Babenko is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Purchased at Craft Beer House

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Photogenic Brew (Level 10) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 10) badge! Pucker Up Earned the Pucker Up badge!

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Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Denis Berendyaev is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery at Alibi (Крафт-Бар)

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 5) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 5) badge! Draft City Earned the Draft City badge! Pucker Up (Level 3) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 3) badge!
Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery

Kate Novik is drinking a Соль, медь и спички / Salt, copper and matches by Coma Brewery at Untappd at Home

Свеклы и грея не почувствовала, смородина топ

Purchased at Punchiller

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