5.8% ABV
241 Ratings
Njell Cooley is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Armored Gardens
Super fantastic!!!
Levi Lefebure is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Untappd at Home
Zach Johnson is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing
Paul Hottel is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Reds Alehouse
Paul Vieira is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing
Purchased at Clock House Brewing
Nate Walker is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing
Nathan Hopp is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing
Purchased at Clock House Brewing
Daniel Rieck is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Whiskey River Grill
Purchased at Whiskey River Grill
Josh Hetrick is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Need Pizza
ISUEE94 is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing
More roasty/smoky than I remember.
Daniel Reinart is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Pickle Palace
So good and is a nice creamy sensation!
Purchased at Pickle Palace
Jeff Dierickx is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing
Rebecca is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing
More roasty this time.
Sean M is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at St. Croix Yacht Club
Strong semi sweet chocolate notes. Great if you want to drink dark chocolate
Purchased at Clock House Brewing
Ethan Saunders is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing
Matt W is drinking a Cozy Campfire by Clock House Brewing at Clock House Brewing