6% ABV
235 Ratings
KOSHIY K is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery
Tony Wilson is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at The Two Tailed Lion
Purchased at The Two Tailed Lion
David Lax is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at The Real Ale Classroom
Purchased at The Real Ale Classroom
Christopher Lax is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at The Real Ale Classroom
Purchased at The Real Ale Classroom
Satoshi Ishimaru is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at EITAI SHIKKOU (永代漆工 麦酒室)
Purchased at EITAI SHIKKOU (永代漆工 麦酒室)
Christophe Fuhrer is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Mark Warmington is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at The Two Tailed Lion
T I is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Imdownthepub is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at The Two Tailed Lion
Piney, bitter, dry
Rainer Mager is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at Titans Craft Beer Bar & Bottle Shop
Purchased at Titans Craft Beer Bar & Bottle Shop
Diane Reed is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at The Real Ale Classroom
Perky, clean. It belies its 6%...dangerously so.
Marie Oliver is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery at The Two Tailed Lion
U_N_Owen is drinking a High Reflections by Burnt Mill Brewery
Purchased at The Two Tailed Lion