5.8% ABV
2,620 Ratings
Henrik Palmberg is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Kenneth Nielsen is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
DanoDaniel-san is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Junkyard Bottle Shop and Pour House
Tom Ryan is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery
Steve Charles is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Caps and Taps
el is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery
Matt Bailey is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Caps and Taps
Karol Tereszczuk is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at House Of Trembling Madness
Purchased at House Of Trembling Madness
Mark Shaw is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Victorian Craft Beer Cafe
Stella Shaw is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Victorian Craft Beer Cafe
Purchased at Victorian Craft Beer Cafe
Mick Walter is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Jenny Bowers is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Victorian Craft Beer Cafe
Decent enough. More smoky than cocoa
James Bulley is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery
Purchased at Victorian Craft Beer Cafe
Guy Seabrook is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Bath Road Beers
Brian Michelsen is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
James McAndrew-Smith is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at National Museum of Food
Balazs Horvath is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Bottle Bank
Karsten Sylvest Olsen is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at A Good Case
Bobby Mango is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery
Cocoa, mocha and mellow roast notes. Smooth and oozes drinkability.
Purchased at The Peppered Pear Pantry
Connor Greenhalgh is drinking a Big Sur Moon by Burnt Mill Brewery at House Of Trembling Madness