Alex: Is it because of their sales performance? 1.5L magnums - sure, never bought a single one. 0.75 is a good format though, bought lots of bottles of this size from them.
6.5% ABV
346 Ratings
Paul Paul is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Untappd at Home
Very very nice. Over three years in bottle. Woody citrus with some funk. Great.competing with the 3f Gueuze (but not a Gueuze😜)
Purchased at Burning Sky Brewery
Fraser Withers is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery
Bjørn Veisten is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Untappd at Home
Mark Hewitt is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery
Aging beautifully. Fully gueuze flavours. Mellowing zesty funk.
Dave Dimmer is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Untappd at Home
Gorgeous stuff! It’s light, complex, refreshing. Some gentle apple, light funk, delicate oak, slightly cheesy (in a good way if you can imagine!). Sparkling white wine undertones and a little sour acidity to finish.
Purchased at Burning Sky Brewery
Cristóbal Costoya is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery
Similar to the second release: peachy, tart, a bit belgiany. More restrained funk (as expected) than the older release. Easy drinking though. 3.90
Russell Edgar is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Atlantic Road
LCI and kind share from last night. Farmyard funk, you know the score with these bottles. There is rumour that Burning Sky are stopping their big bottles. I'm not convinced that is happening. Hopefully not!
Alex: Is it because of their sales performance? 1.5L magnums - sure, never bought a single one. 0.75 is a good format though, bought lots of bottles of this size from them.
Russell Edgar: Hi Alex - only going what a mate said. He knows the chap who now owns We Brought Beer and apparently Burning Sky told this guy in the industry.
Mahul Dahya is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Klassique Barber
Funky tart, wonderful beer from burning sky
Shasha is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Ghost Whale - Brixton
Jimmy Stewart is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Ghost Whale - Brixton
Funky, tart, solid and honest.
ray hadnett is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery
Cheesy funk. Light and spritzy. Slight bitterness. RIP Burning Sky bottles, you will be missed.
Tim F is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Untappd at Home
Earth, tart citrus, oak.
Purchased at Burning Sky Brewery
Will Smith is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery
Beer #3000. Must have had this in the cupboard for a couple of years. Complex with that funk from the spontaneous fermentation almost varies from sip by sip. Some good, others a little less so. Definitely some oak and pretty tart too.
Purchased at Hop Burns & Black
Owen Matthews: You’re like Busted, but with beers 👏
Will Smith: Owen M. The beer 3000 👏👏👏👏
Danny Pearson is drinking a Coolship 2021 by Burning Sky Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Bottles & Books