Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion label

Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion

Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Sour - Tomato / Vegetable Gose

Total (?) 483

Unique (?) 474

Monthly (?) 15

You 0

5.5% ABV



427 Ratings

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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Aleksey Grankov is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Рогожские торговые ряды

Очень луково! Остальное все дальше. Чё т не очень зашла. Возможно из за того что не очень люблю сметану с луком

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Photogenic Brew  (Level 45) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 45) badge! Pucker Up (Level 12) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 12) badge!
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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Aleksey Frolovskiy is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

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Middle of the Road (Level 68) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 68) badge! Pucker Up (Level 47) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 47) badge!

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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Gas3T4net is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Страна Карликов ?

Чот лажа, хз 💁🏼‍♂️

Purchased at Еще Парочку

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Pucker Up (Level 6) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 6) badge! What Gose Round (Level 5) Earned the What Gose Round (Level 5) badge!
Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Maksim is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Brick

Purchased at Brick

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What Gose Round (Level 13) Earned the What Gose Round (Level 13) badge!
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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

f3sh0t is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Cheers To You! Earned the Cheers To You! badge! Pucker Up (Level 8) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 8) badge! What Gose Round Earned the What Gose Round badge!
Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Наталья Соммер is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home

Люто луковое! Второй раз брать не стала бы, но попробовать стоит. Напоминает дедов квас на белом хлебе (дед выдумщик был)

Purchased at Gellert Bar

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To Go Please (Level 4) Earned the To Go Please (Level 4) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 6) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 6) badge!

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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

RemaAsano is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг


Purchased at Gellert_bar

To Go Please Earned the To Go Please badge! Middle of the Road Earned the Middle of the Road badge! Brewery Pioneer Earned the Brewery Pioneer badge! Beer of the World Earned the Beer of the World badge!
Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Юрий is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home

Луковый отвар

Purchased at Valhalla

Can Can

To Go Please (Level 6) Earned the To Go Please (Level 6) badge! For the Can (Level 5) Earned the For the Can (Level 5) badge!

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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Sergeev Peter is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Гозации и кислинки не хватило.

Can Can

Pucker Up (Level 56) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 56) badge!

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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Artya is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home

Отзывы конечно: ай-да ушел! Ну что тут скажешь, гозеха, с попыткой в лук, он есть и вроде не мало, но его все равно словно не хватает, насыщенности что ли какой-то, и на фоне присутствует еще какой-то привкус соуса сметанного/майонезного. В целом ничего

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 31) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 31) badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 48) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 48) badge!

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Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Ma-gnus is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home

большей дряни я еще не пробовал

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 29) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 29) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 28) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 28) badge! Pucker Up (Level 62) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 62) badge!
Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Ap Tz is drinking a Tomato Gose Sour Cream & Onion by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Пивко

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 17) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 17) badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 32) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 32) badge! Beer of the World (Level 7) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 7) badge! For the Can (Level 27) Earned the For the Can (Level 27) badge!

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