Fried Chicken Tomato Gose label

Fried Chicken Tomato Gose

Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Sour - Tomato / Vegetable Gose

Total (?) 753

Unique (?) 729

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

5.5% ABV

11 IBU


680 Ratings

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Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Keitomana is drinking a Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home

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Untappd at Home (Level 17) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 17) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 30) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 30) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 22) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 22) badge! Pucker Up (Level 23) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 23) badge! What Gose Round (Level 3) Earned the What Gose Round (Level 3) badge!
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Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Виталий Мещеряков is drinking a Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

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Hopped Down (Level 8) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 8) badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 30) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 30) badge!

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Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Алекс is drinking a Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Путч Бар | Putch Bar & Bottle Shop

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Purchased at Путч Бар | Putch Bar & Bottle Shop

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Middle of the Road (Level 2) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 2) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 5) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 5) badge!

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Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Andreevtech is drinking a Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

ну это однозначно вкусно. это не пиво, это вкусно. но вкус больше как принглз с кетчупом. не кфс точно, кепчук хайнз, то да.

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Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

BalticTea is drinking a Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Valhalla

Beer Gathering Earned the Beer Gathering badge! Beer Party Earned the Beer Party badge! Untappd at Home Earned the Untappd at Home badge!
Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

Vadim Metlitskiy is drinking a Fried Chicken Tomato Gose by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Крафтэрня

Томатный маринад, бульонный кубик, что то похожее на соус терияки. Кисленько и специфично.

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What Gose Round (Level 76) Earned the What Gose Round (Level 76) badge!

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