6.7% ABV
531 Ratings
Jens Ungstrup is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn
Draft. An unclear amber beer with a lazing beige head. The aroma has notes of candy sugar, prunes, and malt. The flavor is sweet malt, candy sugar, and spices, leading to a dry spicy finish. 6/2/6/3/12
Staffan Zellmann is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Vordingborg Køkkener
Morten Justesen is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn
Claus Greve is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Kælder-Vin
Johan Thulin is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn
Buster Kruchov is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn
Koen Tossings is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Meny
Kasper Larsen is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home
Thomas Henriksen is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home
Søren Rydahl is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home
Jette Jakobsen is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn
Casper Wichmann is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn
Staffan Zellmann is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home
ErikBrosius is drinking an Elmelunde Julebryg by Bryghuset Møn at Untappd at Home