Jazzbenzin label



Farmhouse Ale - Saison

Total (?) 8

Unique (?) 7

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

4.5% ABV

24 IBU


7 Ratings

This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.

Saison w/ Grapefruits and Hibiscus. Limited edition brew for DMA Jazz 2022. Thanks t Show More
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Jazzbenzin by BrygBrygBryg

Jens Andersen is drinking a Jazzbenzin by BrygBrygBryg at Untappd at Home

Let krop med meget blide frugtede noter i næsen og en mild tørhed på tungen. Den frugtede smag tager til med en solid tropisk sødme, især passionsfrugten kommer til med en lidt mere bitter grape i eftersmagen

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Untappd at Home (Level 86) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 86) badge!
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Jazzbenzin by BrygBrygBryg

Jens Julsen is drinking a Jazzbenzin by BrygBrygBryg


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Jazzbenzin by BrygBrygBryg

Katrine Haugaard is drinking a Jazzbenzin by BrygBrygBryg

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World Pint (2022) Earned the World Pint (2022) badge! Cheers To You! (Level 2) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 2) badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 45) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 45) badge! For the Can (Level 14) Earned the For the Can (Level 14) badge! Danish Delight (Level 22) Earned the Danish Delight (Level 22) badge!

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