Fat Barrels label

Fat Barrels

Browar Sady

Collaboration with Browar Golem

Strong Ale - Other

Total (?) 453

Unique (?) 431

Monthly (?) 2

You 0

17.2% ABV



402 Ratings

Czasy są ciężkie, ciężkie jak beczki które dźwigały przez 12 miesięcy piwo FAT BARRE Show More
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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Jacek is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Zadupie na zadupiu

Czapki z głów za kontrolę na alko :) 17 a wrażenie jak przy 10. Piękna beczka w aromacie, w smaku już ciut mniej. W smaku w ogóle średnio się dzieje, ładny, kontrolowany tofik, ciut kwaskowe. Fajne do bardzo powolnego sączenia. 3.9 Butla nr 1960

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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Miłosz Nartowski is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Ocena zaimportowana automatycznie Data: 25 maja 2024, 22:12:26 Ocena: 3.7 Wygląd: 4 Aromat: 7 Smak: 7 Wrażenia w ustach: 4 Ogólna charakterystyka piwa: 15

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 22) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 22) badge!
Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Jakub Krawczyk is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at House of Beer

Bottle Bottle

Iron Man (Level 2) Earned the Iron Man (Level 2) badge!
Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Peter De Vries is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Het Biermeisje

Bottle Bottle

Better Together (Level 45) Earned the Better Together (Level 45) badge!

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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Bartol is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

17,5% a ledwo daje o sobie znać ten woltaż. Oprócz tego sporo rodzynek, fig i trochę karmelu

Purchased at Raj Piwosza

Bottle Bottle

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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Nikodem Włodarczyk is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Sky's the Limit (Level 70) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 70) badge! Better Together (Level 27) Earned the Better Together (Level 27) badge!
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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Dardar Burn is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Hopito Craft Beer & Pizza

Takie troche klimaty jopejskiego, fajnie sie utlenilo, choc stare nuty tez sa, a torf fajny, 4,1, s: slodkie, torfowe, alkoholowe i stare, ciala brakuje przede wszystkim, bo nuty utlenienia nie robia wrazenia, 3,9 overall.

Purchased at Hopito Craft Beer & Pizza

Bottle Bottle

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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Andrei B is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Pub browar spółdzielczy

Нахерачился и не помню. Але хiба смачна.

Bottle Bottle

Pole Position (Level 80) Earned the Pole Position (Level 80) badge!
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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Ciemna Tenebros is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Untappd at Home

Стары чэкін… На гэты раз за смярдзела алкаголем(

Bottle Bottle

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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

M Ch is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Bottle Bottle

Wheel of Styles (Level 36) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 36) badge!
Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Oskar Patrzek is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Untappd at Home

No czuć trochę ten alkohol :D

Purchased at Sklep Impuls

Bottle Bottle

Better Together (Level 8) Earned the Better Together (Level 8) badge! Pole Position (Level 90) Earned the Pole Position (Level 90) badge!

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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Erwin Johannes is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Same Krafty

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 14) Earned the Draft City (Level 14) badge!
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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Monika Eł is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Same Krafty vis-a-vis

Purchased at Same Krafty vis-a-vis

Draft Draft

Better Together (Level 40) Earned the Better Together (Level 40) badge!
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Fat Barrels by Browar Sady

Sebastian Giezek is drinking a Fat Barrels by Browar Sady at Same Krafty vis-a-vis

Purchased at Same Krafty vis-a-vis

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 50) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 50) badge! Iron Man (Level 2) Earned the Iron Man (Level 2) badge!
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