Rijkhard Stärk label

Rijkhard Stärk

Brouwerij Chamaven

Belgian Quadrupel

Total (?) 478

Unique (?) 470

Monthly (?) 24

You 0

9.8% ABV

32 IBU


455 Ratings

Rijkhard Stärk ‘Sterk als een heerser’ Een echt zwaargewicht. Warmend. Deze quad Show More
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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Jack Harmsen is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 28) Earned the Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 28) badge!

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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Eric Kok is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

Light licorice, bay leaf, cheap dark bread , coffee. Thin feeling. The beer looks good but doesn't bring much satisfaction for me. It's okay.

Draft Draft

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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Bardo Cornelder is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

I like the coffee addition. A bit watery and simple.

Taster Taster

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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Sander is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

Great. Heavy, earthy, dense, coffee, licorice and hoppy

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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Baasje_B is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Going Dutch  (Level 19) Earned the Going Dutch (Level 19) badge!
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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Dani Wiegman is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Restaurant Scheltema

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 9) Earned the Draft City (Level 9) badge! Going Dutch  (Level 17) Earned the Going Dutch (Level 17) badge!
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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Jaco Mank is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

Zwart met bruin schuim. Dikke bak koffie in geur en smaak. Roastbitter. Errug lekkur

Draft Draft

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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Eamon Jones is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

Flink wat koffie, mokka, zacht, gebrand, cappuccino

Draft Draft

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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Rob H is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

koffie, gebrand, iets kruidigs, komt wat dun over

Taster Taster

Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Oswin Hulsebos is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 48) Earned the Draft City (Level 48) badge! Going Dutch (Level 89) Earned the Going Dutch (Level 89) badge!
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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

John D. is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at Scheltema Complex

Purchased at Scheltema Complex

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 96) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 96) badge!
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Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven

Hidde Droppers is drinking a Rijkhard Stärk by Brouwerij Chamaven at GoedGeboerd!-streekmarkt

Is gewoon koffie man

Bottle Bottle

Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 3) Earned the Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 3) badge!
Tagged Friends

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