Andrew Lee Davies: Pornhub
3.9% ABV
1,978 Ratings
Jono H is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at Little Drop of Poison
Faye is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at Untappd at Home
royjgstra is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory
david ferriter is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at Untappd at Home
Imdownthepub is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory
Apr '22. Canned, 440ml from, St. Neots, Cambs.
Miniheaps is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at The Greyhound
Light, very dry hopped, citrusy with a dry finish and floral background. Not 100% my thing, getting 6.5/10.
Purchased at The Greyhound
Steve Clarke is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at Bitter-Suite Micropub
Paul Simmonds is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at Harrogate Tap
Purchased at Harrogate Tap
Dave Floatington is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at The Christmas Steps
Purchased at The Christmas Steps
June Neal is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at Snug
Gaz James is drinking a Low Rider by Bristol Beer Factory at Snug
Cracking drink. Nice fruity aroma. Creamy mouthfeel. Fruity taste with a nice hoppiness mixed in. Slight bitter finish but enjoyable. Smooth and easy drinking session ale especially at the abv. Another good session ale
Purchased at The Hop Station
Purchased at Bristol Beer Factory