5% ABV
414 Ratings
Stout Stuff is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Duke William Hotel
A post sip, spicy floral nose hit
Badhead Brewing is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Duke William Hotel
Purchased at The Duke William Hotel
Tim Smith is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Duke William Hotel
Alec Logie is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at Lyons Den Micropub
Jonny Goggs is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Dragon Inn
Purchased at The Dragon Inn
PTStorm is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Dragon Inn
Purchased at The Dragon Inn
LaSea is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at Devonshire Tap House
A bit dry
Purchased at Devonshire Tap House
Steve Webster is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at Hawk And Buckle
Tom Dutczak-Smith is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at Hawk And Buckle
Gerry is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Brit Bar
WendyMc is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Brit Bar
Mark is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Star and Garter Bromley
Very easy session pale
Johnny Glonny is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory
Purchased at Devonshire Tap House
Burnley Dave is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at The Star and Garter Bromley
Drinks it's strength, slightly peppery finish.
Purchased at The Star and Garter Bromley
Glen Ellis is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at Queens Head Micropub
Anthony Williams is drinking a Believe In Lilt by Bristol Beer Factory at Devonshire Tap House
Purchased at Lyons Den Micropub