India Pale Alkoholfrei label

India Pale Alkoholfrei

Brauerei Schützengarten AG

Non-Alcoholic - Lager

Total (?) 866

Unique (?) 791

Monthly (?) 4

You 0

0.5% ABV

32 IBU


716 Ratings

Alkoholfrei und ohne Kompromisse im Geschmack. Das naturtrübe, kaltgehopfte sowie au Show More
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India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

phieadl is drinking an India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

Erinnert mich an LeChauffeur Coop, Schweiz

Photogenic Brew Earned the Photogenic Brew badge!

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India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

Mathias Albert is drinking an India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

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Photogenic Brew (Level 65) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 65) badge! Low Gravity (Level 4) Earned the Low Gravity (Level 4) badge!

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India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

mrz is drinking an India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG at Kugl - Kultur am Gleis

Purchased at Kugl - Kultur am Gleis

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Bar Explorer (Level 25) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 25) badge! Riding Steady (Level 47) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 47) badge!
India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

Kat Engelhardt is drinking an India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG at Untappd at Home

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Lager Jack (Level 67) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 67) badge! Call of the Swiss (Level 13) Earned the Call of the Swiss (Level 13) badge!
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India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

Stefan Haldimann is drinking an India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG at Hotel Kurhaus Lenzerheide

Low Gravity (Level 17) Earned the Low Gravity (Level 17) badge! Call of the Swiss (Level 78) Earned the Call of the Swiss (Level 78) badge!

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India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

manu eltschinger is drinking an India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG at Solheure Bar Restaurant Lounge

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Lager Jack (Level 18) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 18) badge! Low Gravity Earned the Low Gravity badge!
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India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

Ma Jom is drinking an India Pale Alkoholfrei by Brauerei Schützengarten AG

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99 Bottles (Level 10) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 10) badge! Lager Jack (Level 7) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 7) badge!

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