8% ABV
36 Ratings
Florian Bauer is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Don_Marcello is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Dirk Marquardt is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Christoph Cormann is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Möhrenmuseum
Purchased at Bollecious
Eddy Vanden Brande is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Eupen
Tom Bread is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Brauerei Néau
Frank is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Frank's Bier-Labor
Sweet, carefully spiced heavy banana bread, caramel, sweet bread, bordering on cloying, lacks effervescence and elegance for a great Tripel. #Bollecious 10
Yannick H is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Bollecious
Stefan Krämer is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Kräftiger Malzkörper, gut zu trinken , ohne Ecken und Kanten
nikki789 is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Flo is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Sascha Peters is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Bollecious
Christian is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
Hefe, fruchtige Bananennote, angenehme Süße mit bitterem Finish. Nice! Einen Tag später getrunkene Tür 10 des Adventskalenders von Bolle B.
Purchased at Bollecious
Christian beer-whisperer is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home
very low carbonation, not a triple of my taste. It's overloaded with roasty aromas, vanilla, plums, red marmelade. Too sweet and very phenolic with hints of band-aid. #10 if Bollecious' Calendar.
Reinhard Franzke is drinking a Booregatts 29 by Brauerei Néau at Untappd at Home